Welcome to Cara's Place

Cara Black

Photo of Me


Welcome to Cara's Place

My name is Cara Black, and I have been working in the technology industry for over 20 years. As a programmer, Department Manager, and currently in multiple senior roles from Business Analyst to Program Manager.

This site is currently under construction, but come back and visit soon. Cara's Place is dedicated to Digital Technology, it's a place where I will share my experiences around how Digital is impacting the technology industry today. I will share great articles and videos from some of my favorite influencers, as well as share my own experiences and insights about how Digital is influencing our approaches to technology, and its impact on how we manage projects, in ways that I believe are for the better!

I'm located in the Pacific North West, but I work everywhere!

I'd love your feedback!

Bonney Lake, WA
Email: cara@carasplace.net